Compatible with Mac?
Is BioNumerics and GelCompar II supported on Mac?
Information regarding the installation of our software packages. This includes installation procedures and basic setup for the main software, plugin tools and license servers (NetKey and NetKey+).
Is BioNumerics and GelCompar II supported on Mac?
Which protection key options are available when working with a network license in a virtual environment?
Is it possible to work in the same BioNumerics database from different computers?
Is it possible to install and work with the BioNumerics software on different computers?
During installation of BioNumerics, the error message “FUNCTION CheckLicense: An error occurred while running the BioNumerics license editor” appears, mentioning setlic.exe and Result Code: -1073741515.
When I open a database with BioNumerics, the runtime error “Failed to load XML.DLL” pops up, followed by “Invalid version of XML.DLL”. What could be the cause?
While installing the HIV resistance plugin, I received following error message: "Problem while downloading algorithm XML file: Error message: HTTP Error 404: Not Found."
When I try to open a database, I receive the error message "The protection key software cannot be started".