MLST analysis
Setup and analysis using a public and a custom MLST scheme
In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to perform Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) starting from Whole Genome Sequences (WGS) by using the MLST for WGS plugin. The plugin allows the installation of multiple public and custom MLST schemes per BIONUMERICS database and uses an extended BLAST approach to identify and optionally extract MLST alleles from genome sequences.
Custom E. coli MLST scheme
Create a minimum spanning tree based on MLST data
Identify MLST alleles and profiles
Import and assemble MLST trace files
Installation of the MLST online plugin
MLST plugin manual
In this manual you will learn how to install and use the MLST online plugin in your BIONUMERICS database.
Follow-up analysis of MLST data
In this tutorial you will learn how to perform some cluster analyses (UPGMA tree, minimum spanning tree, maximum parsimony tree, ....) on MLST data in BIONUMERICS. You will also learn how to alter the layout of the clusterings and how to export the pictures to use it in a publication, presentation, etc.
Setup and analysis using your own custom MLST scheme
This tutorial illustrates the steps needed to set up your own MLST schema, e.g. in case you are studying a less common organism for which no MLST data are available yet.