A sequence read set is designed to hold large sets of short reads generated by next generation sequencing (NGS). Base sequences and their associated quality scores are stored for single-end and paired-end reads, originating from various high-throughput sequencing platforms such as Illumina, Ion Torrent, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore, etc.
Sequence read sets
When I submit a job on my local machine with a read linked to ENA, I get an error in the job overview window: Data manager error. 'Error:Could not parse the metadata'. How do I fix this?
Performing a long reads only de novo assembly on the cloud calculation engine
In this tutorial, we will perform a long reads only de novo assembly on the Cloud Calculation Engine.
Performing a hybrid de novo assembly on the cloud calculation engine
In this tutorial, we will perform a hybrid de novo assembly based on both short and long reads on the Cloud Calculation Engine.
Calculate a de novo assembly on the external calculation engine
Calculate a de novo assembly locally on your computer
Import links to data stored at the Alibaba repository
Import FASTQ files inside the BIONUMERICS database
Hotfix for importing sequence read sets from EMBL ENA
During import of a sequence read set as link via its ENA accession number, the error message 'None of the accession codes could be found on EMBL-EBI (ENA).' appears. When submitting a job for a sequence read set linked to ENA that was imported earlier, I get following error message: 'All SRS experiments have invalid links'. How can this be resolved?